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Friday, October 29, 2010


Friday, October 29, 2010
Two or more people who share a common definition and evaluation of themselves and behave in accordance with such definition
A group is two or mores individuals in face to face interaction, each aware of his and her membership in the group, each aware of the others who belong to the group, and each aware of their positive interdependence as they strive to achieve mutual goals
A collection of individuals who are interacting with one another
A social unit consisting of two or more persons who perceive themselves as belonging to a group
A collection of individuals who are interdependent
A collection of individuals who join together to achieve a goal
A collection of individuals who are trying to satisfy some need through their joint association
A collection of individuals whose interactions are structured by a set of roles and norms
A collection of individuals who influence each otheR

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Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Sometimes, when the page blog / website we are getting narrower, but the content of our blog more and more, we need something that can minimize such waste. One way is to make the box scroll bar to some blog content. For example for table of content, or also to the data archive, Alexa rank, Feedjit, followers and others.Curious how to set it? Here goes the steps ...
1. Login to your Blogger
2. Choose Design>Page Element
3. Choose add Gadget
4. Choose HTML/Java Script
5. Insert this script
<div style="overflow:auto;width:150px;height:200px;padding:10px;border:1px solid #eee">Insert Your Text or Content Here</div>
6. Replace the red text with your text, gadget, or content.
7. Choose Save Now
Easy Right?

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Make Related Post for Blog

On this tips, I will write how to make a related post that will be very useful for blog readers to find posts similar to what we have written. This way makes it.
  1. Login to your blog
  2. Go to 'Layout-->Edit HTML
  3. Check Expand Widgets Template
  4. Find this script with CTRL+F <data:post.body>
  5. Put this script below after  <data:post.body> 
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'><br />
<div class='similiar'><br />
<div class='widget-content'><br />
<h3>Related Posts</h3><br />
<div id='data2007'/><br/><br/><br />
<script type='text/javascript'><br />
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var homeUrl3 = &quot;<data:blog.homepageUrl/>&quot;;<br />
var maxNumberOfPostsPerLabel = 4;<br />
var maxNumberOfLabels = 10;<br />
<br />
maxNumberOfPostsPerLabel = 100;<br />
maxNumberOfLabels = 3;<br />
<br />
<br />
function listEntries10(json) {<br />
var ul = document.createElement(&#39;ul&#39;);<br />
var maxPosts = (json.feed.entry.length &lt;= maxNumberOfPostsPerLabel) ? <br />
json.feed.entry.length : maxNumberOfPostsPerLabel;<br />
for (var i = 0; i &lt; maxPosts; i++) {<br />
var entry = json.feed.entry[i];<br />
var alturl;<br />
<br />
for (var k = 0; k &lt; entry.link.length; k++) {<br />
if (entry.link[k].rel == &#39;alternate&#39;) {<br />
alturl = entry.link[k].href;<br />
break;<br />
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var li = document.createElement(&#39;li&#39;);<br />
var a = document.createElement(&#39;a&#39;);<br />
a.href = alturl;<br />
<br />
if(a.href!=location.href) {<br />
var txt = document.createTextNode(entry.title.$t); <br />
a.appendChild(txt);<br />
li.appendChild(a);<br />
ul.appendChild(li); <br />
}<br />
}<br />
for (var l = 0; l &lt; json.feed.link.length; l++) {<br />
if (json.feed.link[l].rel == &#39;alternate&#39;) {<br />
var raw = json.feed.link[l].href;<br />
var label = raw.substr(homeUrl3.length+13);<br />
var k;<br />
for (k=0; k&lt;20; k++) label = label.replace(&quot;%20&quot;, &quot; &quot;);<br />
var txt = document.createTextNode(label);<br />
var h = document.createElement(&#39;b&#39;);<br />
h.appendChild(txt);<br />
var div1 = document.createElement(&#39;div&#39;);<br />
div1.appendChild(h);<br />
div1.appendChild(ul);<br />
document.getElementById(&#39;data2007&#39;).appendChild(div1);<br />
}<br />
}<br />
}<br />
function search10(query, label) {<br />
<br />
var script = document.createElement(&#39;script&#39;);<br />
script.setAttribute(&#39;src&#39;, query + &#39;feeds/posts/default/-/&#39;<br />
+ label +<br />
&#39;?alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=listEntries10&#39;);<br />
script.setAttribute(&#39;type&#39;, &#39;text/javascript&#39;);<br />
document.documentElement.firstChild.appendChild(script);<br />
}<br />
<br />
var labelArray = new Array();<br />
var numLabel = 0;<br />
<br />
<b:loop values='data:posts' var='post'><br />
<b:loop values='data:post.labels' var='label'><br />
textLabel = &quot;<data:label.name/>&quot;;<br />
<br />
var test = 0;<br />
for (var i = 0; i &lt; labelArray.length; i++)<br />
if (labelArray[i] == textLabel) test = 1;<br />
if (test == 0) { <br />
labelArray.push(textLabel);<br />
var maxLabels = (labelArray.length &lt;= maxNumberOfLabels) ? <br />
labelArray.length : maxNumberOfLabels;<br />
if (numLabel &lt; maxLabels) {<br />
search10(homeUrl3, textLabel);<br />
numLabel++;<br />
}<br />
}<br />
</b:loop><br />
</b:loop><br />
</script><br />
</div><br />
<br />
</div><br />
</b:if><br />

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    Making money with google adsense

    On the internet there are many ways to make money. One of them through google adsense. Google adsense is one of the google advertising program owned. Many people have been obtain thousands of dollars every month through google adsense. However, many people fail to receive google adsense. How to tips for registration?1. Your website must be your own top-level domain (www.example.com and not http://www.example.com/mysite).
    This means that you should be applying for a Google Adsense Account with your Root Domain Name and not from a Sub Folder. You can also apply from Sub Domains like blogspot.com or blog.com which offer you free blog services. Make sure that you apply from your main website and not from a new blog because a established website has more chances of application approval.
    2. Your domain must have been registered and active for at least 6 months before you apply for AdSense.
    As previously mentioned, the service requires you to apply from a established website rather than a new one because a new blogger or website owner is not going to make any good amount of money in the initial stage and recently we have seen many fraud account holders who opt for wrong tactics in getting clicks and making money.
    3. You must provide accurate personal information with your application that matches the information on your domain registration.
    This requirement is important because in this case the Adsense Team can verify the ownership of the Domain Name through which you are applying for a new Account. I have come through many fraudsters who even have applied for a Google Adsense Account by entering my website URL in the application process but were rejected because of the Whois Information.
    4. Your website must contain substantial, original content.
    This is a very obvious point because unless a website have Original Content, it wont be making any good amount of money. Not only counting the money part but posting Duplicate Content is totally wrong and is not allowed, hence if someone applies for a new Publisher Account for a website with copied content then it would be rejected.
    5. Your site must comply with Google AdSense program policies.
    There are multiple Google Adsense Policies which have to be perfectly implemented and made sure you dont break any of them. The most important of which is not posting advertisements on pages which have Illegal Content.
    So, do not be discouraged for a list of google adsense.

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    Tuesday, October 26, 2010

    Golput, not a choice.

    Tuesday, October 26, 2010
    Election year has arrived, time to party democracy in the title all over the country. After five years we waited, finally it was time to improve the fate of a nation that increasingly worse lately. But, no matter which has no obstructions. So it is with elections, in addition to logistical problems and fraud in the election campaign, the election this time there are issues that often talk about people from various circles. Golput, yes, that's the problem. Group of white or often called Golput is lately in talking about because there were more increased in every elections.Based on the results of East Java gubernatorial election a few months ago, accounting for only 60-70 percent of voters register which came into the polling station (TPS). That means 30-40 percent of the voters list does not use their votes wisely. The number was not in added to the ballots are invalid because the element of intent from the voters. When the added amount could reach 50 percent. It is ironic, elections should become a means to mature our nation to democracy is not supported by the people who always dreamed of a welfare and prosperity. Indeed impossible. If this is left unchecked, the legitimacy of the members of the council and president will be reduced, may not even exist, considering that 50 percent of DPT Golput.Many things which is the reason the public to cover up their actions, starting from the political problems of turmoil, the economy is "strangling" the people to conduct board members who do not deserve. In this case can not blame people because the people really are victims of policies of our political elite. According to political observers of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Hermawan Sulistyo or often called Kiki there are several reasons why the number of voters Golput increased in this election, "First, if we see no single political party that really cares about young group that is those new to use their voting rights, whereas, the number they reached 15 to 18 percent of DPT "he said when launching the book" speeches that changed the world "by the publisher Essence. In addition, Kiki also added that another cause is the increasing number golput public disappointment on the performance of their representatives in Senayan who "dragged" by the Commission to table Corruption Court, indeed plausible, but that it can be a reflection that our society so far has not smart, if society we have been smart, they will continue to use their vote more carefully and closely, in the sense that they would seek to identify who will they choose, proper or not to be made in people's representatives, not even by being apathetic and do not care about the democracy that we cherish so far. Even more worrying is the news of the institutions election survey that 80 percent of voters do not recognize the candidates who will be chosen, like selecting a cat in the sack, we do not know who he is, will help us or even scratch us and hurt us. Government not only stayed silent in response thereto, the efforts by the efforts made, ranging from dissemination through print and electronic media to put up posters and banners on the roadside, although not effective considering only will pollute the beauty of the city and may not be read by public, but this gives the implication that our government is still concerned with the establishment of democracy in our beloved country. Just looking for sympathy to the election or not, we do not know. Even a few months ago, the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) fatwa haram had argued against Golput, considering there are hadith that says that the love for their homeland is a part of faith. But it is on about by some quarters, one of whom is chairman of Indonesia guidelines Fadjioel Rahman that the prohibition against Golput would violate the democratic rights of Indonesian citizens. Golput or not it is the return on our own self. But one thing is certain that the country will not develop if it is not supported by its people. A vote would benefit the welfare of this nation over the next five years, because as it were dictated by Abraham Lincoln that democracy comes from the people, by the people and for the people.

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    That is what has been heralded by politicians on the world stage of politics. The same is always done by the father / Mother Teacher of us, especially administer subjects of citizenship, whether it is always true? Given that speech is the politicians who had been ruled by the political world, as well as Mr / Ms Master of us who are already skilled in the art. We saw last year's local elections, in many ways made the candidates to win sympathy from voters, ranging from installing the following picture promises along the way that makes the eyes Sepat and reduce the beauty of the city, coupled pengumbaran campaign pledge in front of the constituency, to visit range that is considered strategically place visited by many people. This is only a small part by those candidates deemed to be violated, while clearly violated, no one knows. Various areas are found cheating in the election areas, such as the bubbling sound (fictitious voters - Red) that was allegedly carried out by "The people in" to win one of the candidates, through political Money (Politics Money-Red) conducted door to door by " Right Hand "from one candidate. It is clear already violated the law. Then apply about what masihkah in gembar-heralded politicians and Mr / Ms Master us about the election as a means of political education? if only so candidates have been making a hoax, let alone be a council that "should" defend the interests of the people and absorb the aspirations of the people. They no longer think the things the Founding Father (Proclaimers-Red) we have tens of years ago to establish a state on the equator are good peaceful Kerta Raharja, gemah ripah lohjinawi in landasi five precepts. they are just busy with setrategi.

    I "should" be a representative of the people,
    I "should" be official,
    I "should" be president.
    We can only hope that the election, pilgub, election, Pilkades and the pills were no such thing happened, given what happens is dependent on each individual.

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    Bird with one wing


    A smart high school student with great potential complain after moving for more than five schools. Of course we think that he finds more experiences or the real high quality school for his best future. However, the reality is that he always gets difficulty with the study environment around him. In his previous schools, he always had problem, such as : meeting with unfit person, not feeling comfortable with the schools itself, quarreling with friends, and even in other place, he was protested by the teachers.
                The owner of  big education foundation has another experience. Everytime he accepts new person, he’s always optimistic. He feels as if the person he has just choosen can solve all the problem of the foundation. However, when the person has been working about one year, his weaknesses can be seen one by one. As a result, the owner of the foundation also begins tired to always change the leader or chief of his school.
                from the story above, if we want something perfect, something which match completely with our dream, it’s better if we just forget it. This is so because it will never finish, it is like running to reach for the horizon..... And we know that it’s impossible for us to do that.
                The basic management ability of the person is in managing the differences that includes two matters. They are accepting the differences and transforming the differences into a reality. That seems simple, but to implement it is not easy. It needs efforts and strong commitments. This problem happens because many of us consider that ourselves are birds with complete wings which can fly (live and work) by ourselves without any help from someone else. But in fact, as`written by “Luciano Crescendo” in his book- that we’re actually more look like a bird with one wing which just can fly if there is another wing. The same thing, we can live and survive if we embrace tightly with someone else.
                In a factory, a leader will succeed because of  his ability to cooperate with others. In a happy family, there should always be willingness to intentional “embrace” between each member of the family. In a class, the leader of class will be the true leader if he/she can solve the problem among his/her friends and can make good relationship among them. In a higher level, a president for example, a man as enormous as “Nelson Mandela” and “Kim Dae” is even not shy, to “embrace” with person that even tortured him.      
                Moreover, if this embrace activity is done faithfully and full of love, it will not only change something impossible into something possible, transforming failure into success, but also make everything become anice and happy view.
                Therefore, the writer of ”Chicken Soup For The Couple Soul” says, THAT love is the great charity of God-Thus, what a big meaning and impact of love is that nothing compares with it. The people will be very loose if during his life, he never knows abot love. He looks like a mount climber that never arrives on the top of mountain, even he never knows how long he has climbed. It’s so tiring and full of struggle but it’s in vain. That’s all, raise us to life with the embrace of love. God never creat perfect man, it doesn’t matter how clever and great we are, we only have a half side of wings.
                to be successful in study, work or career and everything, no matter how big and great we are will be nothing if we have only one wing. We need another wing of someone else.
                Let’s begin the day with embracing. It doesn’t matter whether we embrace our family, our friends, our brothers, our parents or others. Embrace our life, embrace environment and embrace the God. And at school, let’s begin our studying with embracing someone else. Have our days full of smile, success and love.

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    • Our body can not make their own vitamins and minerals (except vitamin D) so we must obtain it from the daily food order to remain healthy. • Taking vitamin supplements is an option. Interestingly, research shows that vitamin supplement users tend to have more nutritious diets and healthier lifestyles than non-users. Also, if you include people who are physically active, you tend to need more food as fuel for exercise so that your nutritional needs larger. If you have a hobby of jogging, for example, you may need more iron to replace the red blood cell damage. • nutrition experts argue, in certain cases, the benefits of a rich food source of certain nutrients (vitamin supplements) is not only due anya these nutrients, but also by the existence of a substance in foods that also play an important role, namely phytochemical substances, which are not found in dietary supplements. The only way to get a combination of foods rich in vitamins, minerals and other phytochemicals is to eat their natural food source. • According to a nutrition survey, people usually consume a number of minerals in the number of mediocre, such as zinc, magnesium, selenium and potassium, as well as vitamin E. The best way to ensure adequate supply is by eating foods derived from grains, like wheat bread, cereal grains, brown rice, beans, green vegetables, lean meats and fresh fish in your diet everyday. • If you are a smoker, you need to double the intake of vitamin C, but this can be satisfied only by consuming one glass of orange juice and at least four servings of fruit or vegetables every day-though of course it is best not to smoke! Furthermore, supplements of vitamin C it contains excess of 200 mg of daily necessities, which is NOT recommended for smokers, because, according to two international studies, high doses of anti-oxidants will only exacerbate the process that occurs in lung cancer. • Supplements containing specific nutrients will be useful if you have to limit certain foods because of medical reasons. For example, calcium supplements would be useful to maintain bone strength if you are allergic to milk and also sensitive to food sources other calcium-rich. • If you decide to keep eating food supplements just to 'guard', it is best to choose a multivitamin and mineral supplement with once-daily dosing that contain levels of nutrients as recommended. Stay away from high-dose supplements, thus you can not possibly be an overdose of harmful effects to the body and interfere with the absorption of other nutrients. • Remember, the only health food supplements will ensure you will not lack the nutrient, and not provide a level of optimal health. This is because such supplements do not contain natural fiber and phytochemical substances contained in the actual food.

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    Towards the exam, students must learn extra tight. Success or failure of the exam that you face depends on the physical and mental preparation you. Here are some tips that might help you take an exam:
    You Prepare Yourself It is clear that learning is the key to the exam. It would be better if you learn of installments in advance and hold a pre-exam exercise, you can do the exam questions in the book containing models of exam questions, so you better prepared for exams. Measure Strength In this case, students must have a clear picture of the condition itself. Understand the strengths, abilities and weaknesses that are owned, in what subject matter students are having trouble understanding it. If there are lessons that are less understood, then the study must be even harder.
    Maintaining Health Health is the main capital you can do all activities including learning. To that students should always maintain good health, so when the test body in a state of fresh, healthy and fit. Note also do not get less sleep time, the consumption of nutritious foods, do not forget to exercise regularly.
    Prepare Test Equipment With Both Each test requires different equipment, eg draw a different test with regular written examination. Make sure you bring the equipment you need.
    Come Early Come at least 15 minutes before the test done, you will have time to prepare mentally and your physical. This will help you concentrate more while doing their exams.
    Calm and Confident Before work on the problems make it a habit to pray. By praying you will be more calm and confident.
    Do not tense Relax in working on each question because the current tense conditions of examinations will destroy your concentration.
    Reading the test command Read the exams with good command and not in a hurry, because often ignore orders to answer questions makes you wrong in giving or selecting an answer.
    Selection Problem Prioritizing problems that you think is easy, this will help you in time efficiency.
    Be careful In Charge Sheet Answers To ignore the answer multiple choice questions that you know is wrong, do not guess an answer choice when you do not really know for sure and when the punishment imposed reduction in value. For exam essay answer think about it before answering, make a brief framework by noting some of the ideas that you want to write.
    Correction Back Answer Questions Double-check the answers you've written, so if there is a shortage you may immediately be correct answers.
    Do not hurry Do not ever do the exam with a rush or hurry, this could lead to answers to the exam was not optimal, when it's finished mengerjakanpun do not rush to leave the room, use the remaining time to recheck your answer.
    Close With Benediction As you pray to start the test, berdo'alah also after finished working. And remember humans can only plan, God too, who determine the outcome.
    Hopefully the things you do right and get good grades. Good luck and success! ...

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    Intelligent consuming Television Media

    As we know, the development of electronic media, especially television the days of these reforms take place very quickly and if the media has become mandatory for most of our society. After the release of Law. 40 year 1999 on the press as well as Law No. 32 / 2002, various mass media including television growing like mushrooms in our homeland.Television to be excellent, because is able to offer a wide selection of entertainment, good entertainment for children, teenagers and even adults. But you know, that behind kelebihannnya that television has a negative impact which is also big enough?. Look at the shows that often appears on television like soap operas, horror movies and the shows that contain elements of pornography and porno-action, which seems to be a scene that is very easy to find on various television stations. Impressions like these labih many display elements of violence, such as hitting, slapping, insulting, defamatory and scenes that lead to porno-action.As part of modern man, we certainly expected to be selective in choosing and sorting impressions which deserves to be watched and who did not deserve to watch. One thing which we must consider is how we choose the spectacle of healthy and unhealthy spectacle.Healthy spectacle is a spectacle that is able to bring viewers become more educated, open horizons, and enhance the moral and ethical values among viewers. While the spectacle is not healthy is a spectacle that put forward more violent scenes and sex in each penyangannya. Especially if we see a lot of impressions-impressions on television that contain negative elements and violence, many showing exactly when some of the children we are still not asleep.Mentoring adults when the kids watch also considered important to at least help the children in distinguishing where the action is right and wrong actions. Lack of mentoring adults, especially parents of course can be fatal for the psychological development of children.So, as a society, we should be smart in selecting such a diverse show on television. It is better we choose impressions that could be useful for themselves, the children, as well as the surrounding environment. So, keep your self from television.Thank You

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    One upon a time there was an office worker whoose name was Charles. He worked in the same insurance office for many years. But during that time, he became more and more unhappy. While he worked, he dreamed constantly, and in his dreams he was always a hermit, he stayed his room. He didn’t like people. He especially didn’t like people when they talked . he wanted peace and quiet. Life went on for Charles in this way until he became dsperate.
    His big opportunity came when he learned about a sea voyage that two of his friends were planning. They expected to make the trip during their summer vocation. Charles asked to join them. While they were sailing, our hero talked to his friends about the joys of  a hermits’ life. He talked until he finally convinced them and they decided to stop at the first island thet they found.
    A few days after this decision, they saw the island in the distance where they decided to live. Before they want ashore, Charles asked the other two make a promise not to say a word after they reached the island. They were to remain perfectly quit during their stay.
    During the first few days after they landed, they build a little house where they planted a garden. The island was paradise for Charles because this was the peace and quite thet he wanted.

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    Definition / Meaning Definition Wind

    A. Definition / Meaning Definition WindWind is moving air caused by differences in air pressure with the direction of wind flow from a place that has high pressure to low pressure spot or from the area which has a temperature / low temperature to high temperature region.B. Wind Happen ProcessWinds have a close relationship with sunlight because daerahyang affected much sun exposure will have higher temperatures and lower air pressure than other areas, thus causing the air flow. Wind also can be caused by the movement of objects that push the air around it to move to another place.Artificial wind can be created by using various tools ranging from the simple to the complex. In simple terms we can create its own wind by using your palms, fan satay, newspapers, magazines, etc. in a way shaken. While the complex wind can we make with electric fan, hand dryer, hair dryer, tire pump, and so forth. Naturally we can use the mouth, nose, anus, and so on to create the wind.Air particles can carry the smell of a substance so that the wind can carry the smell or aroma from the delicious aroma to the unpleasant smell in our noses. Cooking smells, fishy smell, the smell of the sea, the smell of garbage, the smell of petrol, gas odor, the smell of farts, the smell of dirt, etc. are some examples of odor that can be carried by winds.

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    Definition of Etiquette

    Definition of EtiquetteIn the Indonesian General Dictionary given some sense of the word "etiquette", namely:1. Etiquette (Netherlands) piece of paper attached to the packaging of goods (trade) that read the names, contents, and so on about that stuff.2. Etiquette (France) customary politeness or good manners should always be considered in the association for the relationship is always good.Differences with the Ethics EtiquetteK. Bertens in his book entitled "Ethics" (2000) provides 4 (four) kinds of differences in etiquette with ethics, namely:1. Etiquette about how (good show), a deed must be human. For example: When I submit something to someone else, I have to hand it using the right hand. If I submit it with your left hand, then I considered breaking etiquette.Ethics concerns how to do an act at once to give the norm of the act itself. For example: Do not take other people's property without permission for taking other people's property without permission is tantamount to stealing. "Do not steal" is an ethical norm. Here the question is not whether the thieves are stealing with the right hand or left hand.2. Etiquette applies only in situations where we are not alone (there are other people around us). If there are no other people around us or no eye witnesses, then the label does not apply. For example: I'm eating together with friends, putting my feet on the table, then I considered melanggat etiquette. But if I'm eating alone (no one else), then I am not breaking etiquette if I eat that way.Ethics is always valid, whether we're alone or with others. For example: Prohibition stealing always apply, either currently own or someone else. Or borrowed items should always be returned even if the owner of the goods have been forgotten.3. Etiquette is relative. What is considered rude in one culture may be considered rude in other cultures. For example: eat with your hands or burp mealtime.Ethics are absolute. "Do not steal," "Do not kill" is the ethical principles that can not be bargained.4 .. Etiquette views human beings from outer side only. People who hold on the label can also be hypocritical. Eg: It could be someone Tampi as "hairy man cock", from the outside is unbelievably polite and smooth, but inside full of rottenness.Ethics in terms of looking at human. People who are ethically impossible hypocritical, because those who behave ethically must have people who really good.

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    understanding of ethics

    The term ethics comes from the ancient Greek language. Singular form of the word 'ethics' which is plural ethos while ta Ethan. Ethos has many meanings, namely: the usual residence, grasslands, cage, habits / customs, morals, character, feelings, attitudes, ways of thinking. Meanwhile, Ethan is the meaning ta customs.The meaning of this plural-background melatar formation of the Ethics Aristotle term used to indicate moral philosophy. So, in etymology (the origin of the word), ethics has a meaning that is common knowledge about what does or knowledge of customs (K. Bertens, 2000).Usually when we have difficulty understanding the meaning of a word, we will search for the meaning of the word in the dictionary. But it was not all dictionaries include the meaning of a word is complete. It can be seen from the comparison made by K. Bertens on the meaning of the word 'ethics' found in Indonesian Dictionary of the old with the new Indonesian Dictionary. In the old Indonesian Dictionary (Poerwadarminta, since 1953 - to quote from Bertens, 2000), ethics has the meaning as: "the science of the principles of morality (moral)". While the word 'ethics' in the Great Dictionary of Indonesian Language only (Ministry of Education and Culture, 1988 - quoted from Bertens 2000), have the meanings:1. knowledge about what is good and what is bad and about right and moral obligation (moral);2. set of principles or values relating to morality;3. values of right and wrong adopted by a group or society.Comparison of the two dictionaries can be seen that in the old Indonesian Dictionary has only one meaning, ie ethics as a science. Meanwhile, the new Indonesian Dictionary contains several meanings. If we for example are read a sentence in a newspaper story "In the world of business ethics slump continues" then the word 'ethics' here when it comes to the meaning contained in the old Dictionary of Indonesian Language is not suitable because the intent of the word 'ethics' in the sentence is not ethics as a science but 'right and wrong about the value adopted for a group or society'. So does the word 'ethics' in the old Dictionary of Indonesian Language is not complete.K. Bertens argues that the meaning of the word 'ethics' in the Big Indonesian Dictionary can be more refined and better arrangement or the order is reversed, because the meaning of the word to-3 more fundamental than the sense of the word to-1. So the meaning and structure to be as follows:1. values and moral norms which become the handle for a person or group in regulating behavior.For example, if people talk about the ethics of the Javanese, Buddhist ethics, the Protestant ethic and so forth, then what is meant here is not ethics ethics as a science but as an ethical value system. This value system bisaberfungsi in individual human lives and on social level.2. set of principles or moral values.What is meant here is the code of ethics. Example: Code of Journalistic Ethics3. knowledge about good or bad.New ethics into a science when the possibilities of ethical (the principles and values on which is considered good and bad) who just accepted in a society and are often unwittingly the subject of reflection for a systematic and methodical research. Ethics here is tantamount to moral philosophy.

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    Moral term derived from Latin. Singular form of the word 'moral' is plural mos while the mores that each has the same meaning that is habit, custom. If we compare with the meaning of the word 'ethics', it etymologically, the word 'ethics' with the word 'moral' because both words have the meanings are equally that is habit, custom. In other words, if the meaning of the word 'moral' with the word 'ethics', then the formulation of the meaning of the word 'morals' are the values and norms which become the handle for a person or group in regulating behavior. While the only difference being his native language, ie 'ethics' from the Greek and 'moral' from Latin. So when we say that narcotics dealers that act is immoral, then we assume that people act violates the values and ethical norms accepted in society. Or when we say that the rapist is morally depraved, which means that the person is holding on to the values and norms that are not good.'Morality' (from the Latin adjective moralists) has a meaning which is basically the same as 'moral', only more abstract tone. Talking about the "morality of an act", meaning that a morally good deeds or bad deeds. Morality is the quality or overall moral principles and values regarding the good and bad.

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    Some important things you should consider are:
    1. Notice of Physical goods and completeness. Try asking the seller to show the contents of these Mobile. The contents of the mobile parts are very vulnerable to the swap. Among others, Engine, battery, charger, and other equipment, see the version enginenya whether appropriate or not. Do not be fooled by Cassing nice / clean, so you have to pay a more expensive phone rates.
    2. Battery condition. It's not easy to know the condition of mobile batteries that we buy, whether it was good and normal or already ngedrop. Leaking batteries bartahan only one or two days in a standby position and a few hours when the condition is often used. Rarely seller frankly about HP because the battery condition will certainly reduce the price of HP being offered. The best way is to ask politely to the seller.
    3. Warranty. Assurance or guarantee that will not be damaged in a short time is very important to request the seller. Ask how long the guarantee, try to express in writing or at least write the purchase receipt. Because the products of repair of the damaged may not be stable and complete functions. Consider not to buy HP if there are no guarantees, unless you bear the risk.
    4. Survey. Learn the latest guidance. Mobile price guide will keep you from paying more than the market price of HP. Price guide can be found in newspapers or media that contain a lot of second mobile phone price guides such as newspapers or site that contains a complete http://www.arenaponsel.com Price List HP Second. Learn the data and adjust with the ability of your pocket to buy the appropriate type of cell phone you want.
    5. Suspicious. Be careful when you offer someone a Second phone especially when offered was cheap at all either in counter or the street. Maintaining a sense of suspicion will be better than you buy the goods of the proceeds of crime or something.Choosing a Cell Phone

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    Develop A Motivated Mindset

    From time to time, each of us will find ourselves in a rut of boredom and disinterest. We seem to lose our zest for life and feel tired, irritable and unmotivated. We want to hide under the covers rather than face the day. Perhaps you're feeling overwhelmed by work, or sad about the pain and suffering in the world, or just bored with the routine of your daily life.

    You are not alone. We all go through periods like this at some point. The good news is that we can do something about it. Here are some tips to help break out of the rut and feel excited about life again:

    1) Take a "Time Out" - Prolonged stress can wear us down and zap any enthusiasm we once had. Before doing anything else, take a few minutes to breathe and just BE. Empty your mind of all stress and worry. This takes practice, but don't give up! As thoughts come into your mind, gently push them back out and continue to keep your mind empty and calm. Take slow, deep breaths and let all of your muscles relax. Sit quietly and recharge your batteries. Try to do this daily, or even twice daily (morning and night). We need quiet time as much as we need anything else in life. Give yourself the gift of inner peace.

    2) Get Inspired - Read something motivational, inspirational or uplifting. Look at some beautiful nature photos, or read something humorous. Consciously move your thoughts to a more positive place. Focusing on nothing but work and our daily tasks in life can leave us feeling pretty uninspired. It's easy to turn it around if we want to. We just have to seek out things that will lift our spirits and our moods. Make it a point to laugh, be happy, joyful and lighthearted each day. Don't wait for inspiration to come knocking on your door, go out and find it, or create it. Conjure up some funny or touching memories. Write them in a journal so you can go back and read them when you're feeling down.

    3) Get Excited - Think about the things you have planned for the day, and rekindle the enthusiasm you once felt for them. When we first begin a new project, or start a new job, we are excited about the possibilities and eager to get moving! Over time, we can lose that enthusiasm for a variety of reasons. Travel back in time for a moment, and think about what got you so excited at the beginning. What made your heart beat a little faster? Recapture that feeling and hang onto it! Even if your tasks aren't anything to be really excited about, at least think of some positive benefits to doing them. For example, list the ways they will benefit your children, your spouse, yourself, your job or your home. Identify the payoff, and focus on that. Even mundane tasks have some benefits. Sometimes it's just a matter of switching our mindset to see the positive side.

    4) Baby Steps - Sometimes the hardest part is actually getting started. A project seems so monstrous that we cringe at the thought of all that time and energy we'll have to expend. Instead of overwhelming yourself, start small. Set a timer for 15 minutes and just start working on it. Allow yourself to stop after 15 minutes if you really want to. But most often, once we actually start working on something, we won't want to stop. Don't focus on the big picture, look at the smaller details and take them on one at a time. Any large task seems manageable once we break it down into smaller steps.

    5) Care of the Body - Sometimes our feelings of fatigue are caused by physical deficiencies, not mental. Be sure you are getting enough rest, eating food that nourishes your body, drinking enough water, getting enough exercise, etc. Especially when we're very busy, we tend to grab the quickest, easiest meals, which aren't always the best choice for our bodies. Eating a lot of highly processed foods and sugar is like putting watered-down gasoline into our cars. In order for our cars to run smoothly, we need to maintain them properly, and so it is with our bodies also. Remember, the body is the vehicle for the mind and soul! ;-)

    Finally, remember to reward yourself from time to time, and be gentle with yourself! There will always be things that "need" to be done. But some of us take on way more than we can handle, and our lives turn into a pit of drudgery because of it. Try to eliminate the things that truly don't bring you joy, or at least minimize the time you spend on them. Do what you can, and let the rest go. Or ask for help. Don't feel you have to do everything yourself.

    Remember that motivation, just like happiness, is something we CHOOSE. We may need to give ourselves a little push at the beginning, but once we get into the right mindset, it's simple to stay there if we choose to.

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    Time For Germination

    There is a concept in coaching called seed planting. It means that it takes time for new ideas and suggestions to be embraced. There are clients that take hold of a new idea and run with it, some take a little more time to allow the idea to grow while others can take years before the idea sprouts. Still some clients will never grasp the idea. It will simply lay dormant. It doesn't really matter what the client does with the idea. The purpose is to plant the seed and the client can do with it what they will. Sometimes the idea just needs time to germinate.

    A counselor once told me that not to make a decision is a decision. She said not to choose was a choice. I thought she was nuts and went on with my life. It was five years later when I was in the middle of a situation where I was avoiding a decision that her words hit me like a ton of bricks. I literally said out loud, "I get it." It took years for that seed to germinate in my brain until one day it sprouted and grew into a concept I understood. I was finally ready to get it. I wasn't able to hear it before, but with time, I had evolved enough so the concept made sense. New ideas can take time to get used to. When we first hear the idea we may not be ready for it. That is fine. When you are ready the idea will sprout and grow and be there for you.

    The other side of this is not to force your ideas and suggestions onto other people. By all means share them, but leave it at that. Seed planting isn't an aggressive act; it is gentle and done with love and compassion. All you can do is plant the idea. What happens to it is up to the individual and what they are ready to hear at that very moment. The idea may sprout right away or it may take years. That isn't your concern. Your job is to plant the seed and move on.

    Everyone is at different places in their lives. Sometimes you will understand the new idea right away and perhaps even take action on it in the moment. At other times it will take a while. Don't beat yourself up when you don't get something right away. It just means the idea is in germination. When you are ready the idea will sprout and grow and be right there to support you. Until then don't worry about it and go on with the ideas you are ready for. There will be plenty of idea seeds sprouting at any given time to keep you busy.

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    A Great Way To Generate All The Motivation

    If you're having trouble getting motivated to keep to your fitness program ... or if you haven't even got off the starting block yet, this article could change your life! Not completely ... that would be too ambitious! But, there's a tiny, inexpensive device that can provide you with all the motivation you need to get out and start moving your body around a bit more.

    The pedometer, as it's known, can also make you WANT to do it and can even get you to ENJOY doing it!

    What ... ? ENJOY exercising??? Surely some mistake?

    Well, no actually. Please read on.

    1. So, what is a pedometer?

    It's a small, compact device used for measuring the number of steps taken.

    And, as well as measuring the number of steps taken when exercising in your local neighborhood, it can also measure your steps whilst you're climbing the stairs, mowing the lawn, or doing the shopping.

    2. How Does It Work?

    It's small enough to clip to your belt and is fitted with a pendulum which measures one step each time your foot makes contact with the ground.

    3. How Much Does It Cost?

    Many pedometers have been given away FREE as part of campaigns by local health authorities to get people moving their bodies more.

    If you can't find such a campaign in your area, you can buy a pedometer with a reasonable number of features for as little as $20.

    4. What Exactly Does It Do?

    You should buy a model which, at the very least, measures the number of steps taken, calories burned, distance walked, speed you've been walking and how long your routine has taken.

    More expensive models may include any or all of the following additional features:

    - a soothing voice to tell you how many steps you've taken
    - a pulse monitor
    - a stopwatch
    - a radio and headphones so you can listen to your favorite radio station whilst out walking
    - a step filter to achieve greater accuracy
    - a back light so you can see your pedometer in the dark.

    5. How Do I Set Up My Pedometer?

    First you need to enter your height, weight and average stride length.

    To arrive at your stride length, most instruction guides prompt you to measure out a distance of, say 10 meters, and to count the number of steps you take to cover it. Divide this number by the overall distance and this gives your average stride length.

    Once it's set up, just follow the instructions to activate the settings you want to use, clip your pedometer to your belt and you're ready to go.

    6. How Do I Take Readings?

    At any point after you've started your routine, you can stop, flip open the pedometer and take a reading. Of course, you shouldn't do this too often as this will interrupt the rhythm of your walk.

    But you can get an idea of the progress you're making by checking the number of steps taken, the distance you've traveled, the calories you've burned and so on. You'll be able to go from one measurement to the next at the press of a button.

    7. How Does This Provide Me More Motivation?

    The great thing about wearing a pedometer is that you begin to think about the number of steps you've taken towards your daily target.

    This gets you into a 'walking mindset' and you suddenly start to identify lots of new walking opportunities.

    If you had to be dragged kicking and screaming to take up a fitness routine, the pedometer is the single most important device you can use to start enjoying your workouts.

    It's so easy to use and it can transform the way you feel about getting fit. It can take you from resisting the whole idea of doing a daily workout, to your really looking forward to it and wanting to do it more.


    Because, after using it for a while, you begin to realize that your daily targets are not only achievable but, with a bit more effort, can be easily surpassed.

    Something you thought was going to be such a grind becomes easy, because you know you can do it!

    Did you ever think that was possible?

    Well it is. Just get hold of your pedometer and keep wearing it. It can have a really positive effect on your fitness and health.

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    When I was a teenager I clearly remember one of my teachers introducing a swear box at school. The concept, which I am sure you will be aware of, is quite simple. If you swear you have to put a certain amount of money in the box. At first people found it quite amusing and thought the idea was a bit of a joke. After having to put quite a lot of money into this box in the first few days of the project, I soon realised that it would be a lot cheaper if I could learn to control my tongue. Such a simple idea had a big impact on the school and at the same time taught me a huge lesson.

    There are many reasons as to why people should stop smoking. Without doubt the most important is your health however a lot of people have a strange attitude to their own health despite hearing of many people dying from cancer related illnesses. They think that it will not happen to them or that by the time they get old, that a cure will have been found. They make comments such as, I could die in a car crash tomorrow anyway.

    Over the last number of years we have seen regular government advertising campaigns to convince people to quit smoking. These are becoming more and more shocking and hard hitting, however people still do not listen.

    What people do seem to care about, probably too much in my opinion, is money. Despite ever increasing tax raises on cigarettes people still continue to buy them. My idea is to keep a record of how many cigarettes you smoke per week and also how much it cost you to buy them. Then times the figure by fifty-two and that will be the amount you spend on cigarettes per year. How happy would you be if your boss offered you an increase to your wages of that amount? This is the reality as that is the increase in available money you would have per year. Just think about what you could spend that money on.

    So we have now decided to quit smoking cigarettes once and for all. It is not going to be easy however. You will need to battle the demons in your head, who will be trying to convince you to have just one more. Going back to the swear box idea from before, it can be just as effective in any stop smoking program. It is likely that you will bow to temptation and every time you smoke one cigarette you put the equivalent cost of one whole packet in the swear box as way of punishment. The proceeds from the box could be given to a charity of your choice. This is you continue to let your demons win, will soon be hitting you hard in the pocket and hopefully will then convince you to stop.

    I wish you every success in your quest to stop smoking.
    No smoking and you wll healthy and you save our worl from global warming.

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    Nutrition messages can be very confusing. One minute you are advised to eat plenty of fruit and vegetables to get your essentials vitamin and mineral and next, you are told than too many vitamins might actually be harmful. but wait! If you take vitamin supplement  you should be aware that very high intakes of some vitamins could be potentially harmful. if you eat a healthy balanced diet, then there is no need for you to take supplements. Here are the effect of some supplement and vitamin can have:
    too much vitamin A can cause nausea headaches. Blured vision an orange skin colour and possibly even liver damage. Over consumption of vitamin D can lead loss of appetite. weakness and excessive thirts and the other fat soluble vitamin E and K can interfere with some blood clotting medications. We all know how good vitamin C can be for us but did you know that too much of it can cause nausea, diarhoe, and in several case in can from kidney stones? High level of vitamin B6 can also nerve damage.
    So, you must care whit your all supplement food, because they can make us sick.

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    Rain is advantageous because it brings water for all living things. But rain can be disastrous, too. because too much rain will cause floods which can wash away people, houses and other valuable properties.
    The following is how rain is formed.
    The air is filled with tiny particles known as vapour. Vapour is actually the gaseous from of water. Vapour is a part of air. The air around us is constantly moving because the air near the surface of the earth is hotter and lighter. This is why this air rises. The air higher up in the sky is cold and heavy, so it sinks. The rising of hot air and the sinking of cold water cause the air to water. This is known as condentation. When the water particles are too heavy for the air to carry. The air is said to be oversaturated. The water particles then fall as rain.

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