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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Golput, not a choice.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Election year has arrived, time to party democracy in the title all over the country. After five years we waited, finally it was time to improve the fate of a nation that increasingly worse lately. But, no matter which has no obstructions. So it is with elections, in addition to logistical problems and fraud in the election campaign, the election this time there are issues that often talk about people from various circles. Golput, yes, that's the problem. Group of white or often called Golput is lately in talking about because there were more increased in every elections.Based on the results of East Java gubernatorial election a few months ago, accounting for only 60-70 percent of voters register which came into the polling station (TPS). That means 30-40 percent of the voters list does not use their votes wisely. The number was not in added to the ballots are invalid because the element of intent from the voters. When the added amount could reach 50 percent. It is ironic, elections should become a means to mature our nation to democracy is not supported by the people who always dreamed of a welfare and prosperity. Indeed impossible. If this is left unchecked, the legitimacy of the members of the council and president will be reduced, may not even exist, considering that 50 percent of DPT Golput.Many things which is the reason the public to cover up their actions, starting from the political problems of turmoil, the economy is "strangling" the people to conduct board members who do not deserve. In this case can not blame people because the people really are victims of policies of our political elite. According to political observers of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Hermawan Sulistyo or often called Kiki there are several reasons why the number of voters Golput increased in this election, "First, if we see no single political party that really cares about young group that is those new to use their voting rights, whereas, the number they reached 15 to 18 percent of DPT "he said when launching the book" speeches that changed the world "by the publisher Essence. In addition, Kiki also added that another cause is the increasing number golput public disappointment on the performance of their representatives in Senayan who "dragged" by the Commission to table Corruption Court, indeed plausible, but that it can be a reflection that our society so far has not smart, if society we have been smart, they will continue to use their vote more carefully and closely, in the sense that they would seek to identify who will they choose, proper or not to be made in people's representatives, not even by being apathetic and do not care about the democracy that we cherish so far. Even more worrying is the news of the institutions election survey that 80 percent of voters do not recognize the candidates who will be chosen, like selecting a cat in the sack, we do not know who he is, will help us or even scratch us and hurt us. Government not only stayed silent in response thereto, the efforts by the efforts made, ranging from dissemination through print and electronic media to put up posters and banners on the roadside, although not effective considering only will pollute the beauty of the city and may not be read by public, but this gives the implication that our government is still concerned with the establishment of democracy in our beloved country. Just looking for sympathy to the election or not, we do not know. Even a few months ago, the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) fatwa haram had argued against Golput, considering there are hadith that says that the love for their homeland is a part of faith. But it is on about by some quarters, one of whom is chairman of Indonesia guidelines Fadjioel Rahman that the prohibition against Golput would violate the democratic rights of Indonesian citizens. Golput or not it is the return on our own self. But one thing is certain that the country will not develop if it is not supported by its people. A vote would benefit the welfare of this nation over the next five years, because as it were dictated by Abraham Lincoln that democracy comes from the people, by the people and for the people.


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