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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Darmasiswa Scholarships Program

Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Darmasiswa Scholarship Program from Indonesia
Darmasiswa is a scholarship program offered to all foreign students from countries which have diplomatic relationship with Indonesia to study Bahasa Indonesia, arts, music and crafts. Participants can choose one of 45 different Universities located in different cities in Indonesia. This program is organized by The Ministry of National Education (MoNE) in cooperation with The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA).
The Darmasiswa program was started in 1974 as part of ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations) initiative, admitting only students from ASEAN. However, in 1976 this program was extended to include students from other countries such as Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Hungary, Japan, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sweden, and the USA. In the early 90's, this program was extended further to include all countries which have diplomatic relationship with Indonesia. Until now, the number of countries participating in this program is more than 75 countries.

The main purpose of the Darmasiswa program is to promote and increase the interest in the language and culture of Indonesia among the youths of other countries. It has also been designed to foster stronger cultural links and understanding among participating countries.
The Darmasiswa program is a non degree program. During the program, participants are prohibited from working, conducting research and political activities.
  1. Program Overview
    1. Regular 1 (One) Year - Darmasiswa RI Scholarship Program
      To study Bahasa Indonesia, Art (traditional music, traditional dance, craft) Culinary and Tourism in selected Indonesian Higher Education Institutions.
    2. Regular 6 (Six) Months - Darmasiswa RI Scholarship Program
      To study Bahasa Indonesia in selected Indonesian Higher Education Institutions.
  2. Rights and Obligations
    1. The Rights of the Participants
      1. Exemptions of the tuition fees
      2. Receive allowance from The Ministry of National Education
      3. Participants will be assisted by the related institution of higher education to find accommodation during the program
      4. Participants will be picked up by Program Committee upon arrival at the Airport
    2. Participants Obligation
      1. Willing to help Universities/Institutions of Higher Education or schools in the vicinity to teach foreign language and other academic activities
      2. Follow the course program until completion
      3. The participant has to sign two statements of declaration, the first one containing obligations of the participant provided by the Indonesian Embassy where the participant resides before his/her departure to Indonesia, and the second will be given by the Ministry of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia upon arrival in Indonesia. The declaration consists of the following statements:
        • Will follow the rules that apply in the related education institution where the program will be conducted
        • Will not propose any changes to the program study or location of study before or after arriving in Indonesia
        • Will not take part in any political activities during the program or work during the stay in Indonesia
        • Will not be involved in any drug abuse activities
        • Will not be taking more than 1 (one) trip abroad during the program period
        • Will not bring any family members during the study period in Indonesia
        • Willing to be sent home if the participant violates any of the statements above and/or residence permit regulations
  3. Program Schedule
    1. Application documents shall be submitted to the Ministry of National Education through the Embassies, Consulates General of the Republic of Indonesia or any Institution of Higher Education before the end of February 2011
    2. Selection shall be conducted in the middle of March 2011
    3. The announcement will be declared in the beginning of April 2011
    4. Confirmation of participants' agreement is in the beginning of June 2011
    5. The arrival of participants shall be in the beginning of August 2011
    6. Orientation program shall be conducted in the beginning of August 2011
    7. Classes will be conducted from the middle of August 2011 until July 2012
    8. For the University of Indonesia, class will be conducted in the beginning of July 2011
    9. For the regular 6 (Six) Months - Program, classes will be conducted from August 2011 until January 2012
  4. Visa
    The required Visa for joining this program is a Social Visit Visa/Visa Kunjungan Sosial Budaya (VKSB) which can be obtained through the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia where the participants live. This visa should be converted to a Stay-Permit for 1 (one) year upon arrival in Indonesia through the State Secretariat of The Republic of Indonesia and Directorate General of Immigration, the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia.
    The participants are prohibited to use the Tourist Visa to study in Indonesia.
  5. Accommodation
    The Ministry of National Education will not provide any accommodation to participants.
  6. The Scholarship Includes
    Participants will receive a monthly allowance of Rp 1.500.000,00 (one million and five hundred thousand rupiah), the amount of which is projected insufficient to cover expenses.
    The participant is advised to bring enough money in US dollar for unexpected additional expenses in Indonesia.
  7. Procedures
    Applicants should apply through the following procedures:
    1. Submit application to the Indonesian Embassy/Consulate General in the country of residence by filling in application form which will be available at the Embassy
    2. Apply online at: www.darmasiswa.diknas.go.id, by attaching a recommendation letter from the Indonesian Embassy/Consulate General in the country of residence
  8. Requirements
    1. Fill out application form
    2. Completed secondary education or its equivalent
    3. Copy of academic transcript
    4. Not older than 35 years old
    5. In good health as proved by Medical Certificate
    6. Passport size color photograph (5 copies)
    7. Full-page copy of passport valid for at least 18 months from time of arrival in Indonesia
    8. Able to communicate in English
    Application documents to be addressed to:
    1. Kepala Biro Perencanaan dan Kerjasama Luar Negeri
      Sekretariat Jenderal, Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional
      Gedung C, Lantai 7, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman, Senayan, Jakarta
      Indonesia, Kode Pos 10270
      Phone: (62-21) 5724707, 5738181, or 5711144 (hunting) Ext 2610
      Fax: (62-21) 5724707, 5738181
      Website: http://darmasiswa.diknas.go.id
      and E-mail to : darmasiswa_pkln@diknas.go.id
    1. Direktur Diplomasi Publik
      Direktorat Jenderal Informasi dan Diplomasi Publik
      Kementerian Luar Negeri
      Jalan Taman Pejambon No. 6
      Phone: (62-21) 3813480
      Fax: (62-21) 385803
  9. Participants Trip to Indonesia Please note that the Government of The Republic of Indonesia, Bureau of Planning and International Cooperation, The Ministry of National Education will not bear any travel expenses of participants from countries of origin to Indonesia. However, The Ministry will cover the participants’ expenses from Jakarta to other locations in Indonesia, but not the expenses of traveling from other locations to Jakarta, which will be covered by each of the participants.
  10. Health Insurance The Ministry of National Education will not provide health insurance; therefore the participants are expected to have International insurance.

Bureau of Planning and International Cooperation,
The Ministry of National Education


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